Independent Project #1

My game concept for the independent project is a COD: Zombies/ Gears of War Horde style game where you fight off waves of enemies against a timer with a scoreboard and I'm going for quite a simplified, sci-fi, cartoonish aestetic. Here's a really early treatment: In the futuristic fast moving city of Greater New Utopia there is an invention for every ailment, a wonder for every woe. The city is built upon the backs not of the Humans who inhabit but instead the perfect workers, the chemically engineered Gibbies, a hivemind collective that perform simply programmed manual labour, however after a lab accident, a simple chemical miscalculation, the latest batch of Gibbies has gone berserk and started tearing up the city. You are Lance Lazerblast, a G.N.U.P.D. Specialist Officer and total maverick tasked with cleaning up any and all incidents of a scientific nature in the city of wonders. Lance has managed to divert all the Gibbies’ attention to the City’s ‘Advancement Square’ where...