Teamwork Practices 9
Many, many updates since the last Blogpost.
First of all, the enemy is now fully implemented with its chasing mechanics and animation, it is also rigged properly, using Mixamo, and a reasonable File size too. There were issues rigging it however as we needed to Enable Root Motion for its chase animation as it would run away from the player as it would detect them, the animation was only rotated 90 degrees away from the direction it was travelling too which impacted the issue also. Thankfully these were two quick fixes after hours of anguish...
There were also all of the buildings added, which include the Huts, the Barn and the Church. The first two were added just fine but they were missing collision so I had to add invisible walls all over the buildings to simulate collision for them, which they didn't have, which was quite a lot of work. The Barn however, froze Unreal for about 10 minutes when first implementing it, which leads on to my second issue with the Church where the object just crashed the editor every time I placed it so I had to cut it and place the shipping container maze, which can be seen in the top right corner.
The final addition of mine was to the end of the level with the wooden planks connecting mountain peaks leading to a cave with light in it. The only issue was aligning the planks with the mountains and adding invisible walls on either side of each plank because I didn't make a kill plain and I needed it to be simplistic for the player and the monster to not get trapped in an unreachable area because of the nav mesh. the peaks were also flat topped originally with fences surrounding them but because of the uneven nature of the landscape tool, it was very difficult. Because of this I just used the landscape tool to make a wall around the peak, killing two birds with one stone as such.
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