Degree Project: Project Narrative Concept

In my haste to start my project, coding the main mechanics and creating a base game to work off of I have neglected to mention anything about the scenario, narrative and story concepts for my game, which is equally as important.

My game is based off of idea one from an earlier blog, which can be found here:

The story/ narrative/ scenario was more difficult to almost come up with in a sense because the main gimmicks of the game (Disappearing/ moving geometry and sets of platforms)  is a fairly abstract concept so I couldn't really have a very grounded scenario with that in mind.

Initially I wanted something like being stuck in a simulation and having to escape it but that idea was too similar I think to my independent project from last year; Invasion of the Gibbies which already did the whole escape the simulation thing with its secret level escapes. In short, it felt uninspired and unoriginal. Been there, done that.

I retooled that idea actually after thinking on the game's main mechanic of the two sets of platforms and the first idea that came to me was the two halves of a whole that you can't have in a whole, which led me to the idea of the two hemispheres of the brain, thus the name of the working title of my project "Hemisphere" and the idea of them being "Desynced" or something to that effect as the two halves wouldn't be able to communicate. This then led me to the idea of instead having to try and escape a simulation, using the simulation to perhaps relieve some kind injury or impairment in some sci-fi futuristic scenario.

This narrative would mainly be unveiled through intermission segments between the platfrom/ puzzle intensive platforming segments, invloving switching between the two sets of platforms" with slower "dream" sections where the story would slowly be revealled as you progress through the level.

This is as far as I have gotten in terms of story so far but I am happy to proceed with it for now because the details can be worked out later and it's just good to have a planned starting point.

With all that being said, now I know the direction I am going to take the visuals and narrative I should look at other cultural concepts to use perhaps inspiration to develop these concepts.


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