Degree Project Initial ideas

 For my degree project I have 3 initial ideas:

1. A first-person puzzle platformer game developed in Unreal Engine 5, the main mechanic would be the player having the ability to switch out a set of platforms with another which the player would use to progress through the level. There would probably be 3 levels and a hub world to connect each level with each level setting a different type of challenge to the player, going beyond just a change to the layout of obstacles, i.e. with my current plan I would have a level to get the player more familiar with the mechanics such as the switching platforms mechanic if I can implement it, platforms that appear and disappear on a timer, platforms and other terrain that have their gravity activate when the player touches them which should be fairly easy to implement because of "setenablegravity" which could be tied to collision with the player. the game would be similar to Portal (2007) and Portal 2 (2011) too I think which is one of its main inspirations where navigating the level is moreso the challenge than combat with enemies.

2. A first-person horror game developed in Unreal Engine 5, the main mechanic would be the player having a nightvision camera instead of a torch, think like Outlast (2013) or the Blair Witch Game (2019). There would also be an enemy patrolling the level, whichever setting that may be, I'm thinking an abandoned lab or industrial building could be interesting as an environment. There is also the matter of considering an extra challenge in relation to the nightvision mechanic such as would it have a limited supply of batteries, making it so it can run out or deplete, or maybe it can only just be effective enough to barely see in the dark and completely useless in well lit areas, perhaps hindering the player. I would maybe also have a chase segment where the enemy patrolling the level follows the player with a different AI pathing method and I could end the chase by having the player jump up/ down a ledge or just end the level to fiinish the sequence. I think the main section of the level would have the player gathering an amount of keys or setting off switches to open a door to then escape.

3. I suppose this idea is really more of a failsafe if I can't make a game in Unreal Engine or if it becomes unfeasible but I would like to make another atempt potentially at doing another text based adventure game in Twine, perhaps an anthology this time and each story could be of a different theme and setting such as Medieval and then a Sci-fi dystopic "Cyberpunk" one too and have mechanics to reflect that. I would aim for 3-4 adventures if I went with this idea and would expand upon the gameplay loops of puzle and trial and error combat of my previous works and try maybe to do a turn-based combat system instead in addition to the previous features. I would also add achievements/ trophies for the player if they choose secret decisions or options which would contribute to a final score along with the treasure system I had previously devised.


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