Degree Project: Gameplay Test Footage


Here is some Test Footage of my level so far. After a few weeks, I finally got the main platform types (Green on a timer, Blue and orange switching) working, as such I rushed to make a the first level as a test level of sorts to see how well platforming actually performs now I have it coded in. Rather than being part of the level, the platforms are separate objects that exist contained outside of the level as an actor as its own "object" so they all must be moved simultaneously if being adjusted in the level. Adjusting 1 Platform of the collection of 60+ must be done within the object itself.

This is the blueprint actor that contains every single Blue/ Orange Platform within the level. First, the 3 connected separately at the beginning enable the 'E' Key to be pressed in the context of the Blueprint, which then activates a "Looping Multigate" Node which causes the sets of platforms to infinitely be able to switch states when the 'E' is pressed. These two states are Collision and Visibility available for Blue and not for Orange Platforms and then Vice-versa for the other state so one can only be enabled if the other is disabled. (For testing purposes both are currently enabled on level start.)

The two green nodes above and below the main Multigate Sequence are 'Make Array' Nodes and basically in its simplest terms this node serves the purpose of collecting the data of every separate platform in either Blue or Orange and making it into one variable, so they're affected by the code in the Blueprint. If they're not connected they won't reappear or disappear. 

Here is the Blueprint for the Green Tiles which disappear on a Timer. I have much less of an understanding as I do with the switching as I relied on the help of the Tutor, Jay, to make this blueprint in this way, I would have done it through timers and loops, which is much less memory efficient but the effect is the same but I digress. The Blueprint works by having its own timer logic, where when it hits the "max time" (3.0 seconds) it sets the Timer back to 0 and when it is at 0, it causes the platform to appear in the collision and visual sense, which then sets the maximum time that the timer can go up to to the same as the max time (3.0 seconds) it can appear for and after this it sets the variable that decides that it should appear to false so it does the "disappear" sequence and the max time the object stays disappeared is also its own separate variable. After this, the platform uses the "Decide" Boolean logic in a way where it defines it as Deciding it is NOT Untrue as a variable (Which is different to being set to True for the purposes of this Blueprint)

Here is the map of the level featured in the video. It is obviously unfinished but it definitely proves the core concept of my game is working.


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