Professional Practices: CV, Cover Letter and Gratitude Letter
CV -
Cover Letter -
Gratitude Letter -
These are my first drafts of my CV, Cover Lettter and Grattitude Letter. I tried to change them a little from thge template to where they suited Game Design more but for the most part they are the same despite different wording and obviously skillsets. I am a little annoyed that I couldn't find an appropriate place to put the fact that I could speak spaniosh on the Cover letter but it is alright as there is space for it on the CV. It just didn't fit in any particular section of the Cover Letter.
As for any other comments, I think the education and qualification sections of the CV are a little redundant as what I studied could just be paired with the grade I got for Uni and my A Levels (if they even need to be in there to begin with.
I'm excited to see the score I get with this draft as my last CV got a score of 72% but that one had an image file for my number and address and was done in 2022 so the standard was a lot lower that time around.
EDIT from 12 mins later: It only got 86%
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