Independent project #15 Mega-Blog + Bibliography Link

 Today is my Final Day before I wish to submit. Aside from building the game for Export and finishing the accompanying Game Design Document there were two changes I had to make before hand. Those involved adding an invisible wall on the purchasable barriers so the player cannot exploit them to get out of bounds and adding some code (As pictured above to the enemy with a True/ False statement as the Boolean being, is the enemy dead) which prevents the enemy from damaging the Player after dying which I could not figure out for myself at the very beginning when I first made the enemies.

After that, I did some final touches to the escape levels such as when the Player meets the Gamemaster in the Endgame they lose all their ammo. I tried to asign the score to a word but quickly realised I couldn't as the score UI is bound to an Interger Value which can only ever be a number, also it was a very minor cosmetic change which wouldn't have amounted to much anyway. Oh well. I also rearranged the Trees again on the other Escape Level but only very slightly. Subsequently, I tried to export the game on the A234 PCs but they still did not have the necessary SDK files to do so, luckily Josh was there and I could borrow his Laptop to do so without going all the way home. Upon my first export I found two immediate issues: 1. I accidentally removed a Platform which was necessary to escape the level as part of the parkour section and 2. The Skybox was improperly rendering in the other escape Level in the field. Not a disaster but inideal nonetheless. These are the last fixes my game will need though.

This concludes all my progress at least on the Blog. If you want to see my thoughts in the Game Design Document click here:


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