Independent Project #9
These Screenshots contain all my progress for this week, I created an ammo box (The Blue Cube) which is based on the model/ code I used for the Health Item just retextured and set to change the value of ReserveAmmo Variable rather than PlayerHealth, I also created an enemy spawner (Dinosaur head icon) - it is essentially an invisible object that just places down enemies on a delay - fairly simple but is all I think I can really do with the short amount of development time remaining, especially as I'm not adding individual wave numbers, then there is the player barrier which you can purchase using points from killing Gibbies, so far I have only added the ability for a widget to appear asking if you wanmt to purchase and place the barrier but it is not yet functional - I will need to have it so it first checks if you have enough points and then subtracts however much the barrier costs as they will have differing sizes and costs, I will hopefuly work out the blueprint for that next week.
Finally, in the second image is my blueprint for a reloading (Which may I add I devised ALL by myself) where basically it checks first if your ammo is greater or equal to 0 just so you can't go into minus numbers when pulling ammo from the reserves of ammo the player has and it stops at 0. Then it calculates your new current ammo which is
Old Current Ammo + (Max Ammo (25) - Old Current Ammo) = (0 < Set New Current Ammo < 25)
and then it changes your reserve ammo
Reserve Ammo - (Max Ammo (25) - Old Current Ammo) =
(0 < Set New Reserve Ammo < 999)
The 999 refers to the max ammo you can have when you pick up ammo from a box which is why I set it to be that high. There was an issue however where it conflicted with a previous reload blueprint I tried to create and then abandoned because the tutorial I used was tying it to animations and other such features I didn't/ won't have in my game. Because I forgot to delete the previous code it no longer enabled me to reload at 0 CurrentAmmo but as soon as Josh pointed that out and I deleted it, it ran perfectly fine.
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