Global Charrette Blog
Today my tutor shared all the email addresses of my group, I quickly set-up a discord group and emailed everybody the link as well as organizing the server as Moderator and set-up roles for each university, we introduced ourselves to each other and began discussing our initial ideas, I also created a google slide for people to place their Moodboards and inspiration as well as initial sketches.
We discussed ideas and added to Slides
We finalised the ideas from our slides and decided to go with the 'reflection' idea as mentioned in the Slides. We also figured out how we will divide the workload. The 3 from TOA will do the main illustration, GAF and I will do the text/ interactive elements.
We in fact did not finalise ideas yesterday and after TOA got feedback from one of their tutors, the 3 of them (and for some reason their tutor) voted that we do Nigel's second concept. Honestly the lack of communication and last minute changing of ideas has left me a little burnt but I'll try to offer assistance where the TOA students allow. We also discussed how we'll add interactivity to the final PDF as figma may not be viable and instead we may potentially be using google slides because the interactivity is as simple as pressing buttons and the animation that we could do in figma may be too advanced as I found from prototyping. After they get some feedback tomorrow we'll plan from then. As of now they are happy with me doing QR codes, buttons and text overlay.
During this time we discussed a little more about team roles. I decided on doing 4 QR codes with Variants for us to choose on the final poster to begin with, all of which can be found on the link above in the document. I am using 2 QR codes to show the current state of poverty and two on how it shall be combatted in the future, which is outlined in the link above.
Today I created all of the QR code assets with colour variation and tested that they in fact work. I also found appropriate links and explained why in the linked google slides. All the QR codes were generated and customised using A free online QR code making software.
All the variants created are available here:
Today is the final day before submission tommorow. becasue my CANVAS submission time is 2AM tommorow, I will have to submit tonight the interactive PDF despite the fact that there is no motion on it but that is ok as the poster looks fine without it and the interactivity is still there with QR Codes, a symptom of trying to do this all in figma as per TOA's suggestion. I would have used a different software but by group consensus here we are... Either way I'm glad that the Charrettes has come to an end.
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