Teamwork Practice 1

 Before beginning the Project it's good to find out how I would work with my Team. I found out I was an INTJ, which is likened to a tactician or a strategist or a planner.

We all did the Myers-Briggs test and found out we all fell into the introvert category, which means we may struggle voicing our opinions and coordinating as a pitfall for our group. This is important to recognise early on so we can eliminate possible roadblocks early on.

We had a short discussion after entering our group, Me, Jimmy, Nyssa and Mo. We concluded that we wanted to do a First-Person horror game based around a monster who freezes when flashed by a light in the Unreal Engine, this suits our previous Game Experience as we all made first person games and 3 of us have used Unreal previously. We also have experience with enemy pathing too which is really important for making the game scary and the main challenge effective.


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