Animate 9

Today, I have created nearly completed 4 more scenes, the title and Scenes 3, 4 and 5.

Overall I am happy with the title and scene 3 but my issue with 4 is that there is not enough time to read the text on the Phone screens on the first loop of the animation for the scene. The first reason is that I believe the animation is too fast and without enough frames. The second reason is the amount of textboxes which the viewer will need to read. As of now there is only what is on the Phone Screen and what the Robot is saying but there may also be the narration text which still needs to be added to each scene, but that will be done after each animation is complete. For the two Final scenes that i am yet to animate, I will have the robot being destroyed by the bears with Baseball bats and then for the final scene it will be the data stealing robot in pieces on the floor.

The title graphic itself was made in photoshop instead of Adobe Animate or Illustrator as I wanted to use a stroke layer on the text to make it stand out againt the background, which to my knowledge is not available in Animate. At first I experimented with using 3 different fonts and more cartoonish fonts, neither worked out so I decided to just use the sam font in different colours as to not look too jarring



Scene 3

Scene 4

Scene 5


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