Unreal Game 1
Today I started creating my Game for my project in Unreal engine, which ultimately I chose over Unity because I prefer the controls when placing objects and the node based coding system.
The concept
I decided on a survival horror where the goal is to an escape an area by collecting pages to escape an abandoned mansion/ hospital type thing while evading a monster. There may be a FLASH mechanic to stun the mopnster and evade him, permitting I have the time/ assisstance to create it.
- Flash (potentially): You will have a camera that flashes the monster and temporarily stuns it.
- Notes: There will be notes spread about the level, which you will press the 'E' key on to pick up. The note will then place a number on the screen which you will use to input a code to open he exit door. The number will appear in the correct place in the sequence at the top of the screen.
- Keypad Door: The end of the level will be locked behind a door which needs a code for entry. The code will be on Notes spread around the level. A text box will pop-up on screen for the player to type into.
- Movement: The game will have movement functions such as sprint and crouch
- Interaction with the enemy: The monster will have an invisible sphere surrounding it, if the player is caught inside it, the Monster will go towards the player. If the player isn't detected it shall sytematicallly search every room in the level, starting fromt he top floor.
- Health: You have 3 Hearts which generate over time. Because of the lack of enemy animations, there will be a cooldown to each attack from the enemy. Health will be reduced if you are caught in an invisible cylinder surrounding the enemy's model
- Timer: The duration it takes to complete the level will be timed.
Challenges so far:
As of now I have only built the level for the game, though it is near completion, with only some decorative assets such as furniture needing to be added. The lighting however has been the most testing aspect because of how customisable it is, often leading to crashes or errors as I don't fully understand how it works, this includes the skybox and the lighting needed for the rooms in the level to be viewable. Because of lighting errors or allocating too much resources to lighting I have nearly lost the entire project twice.
What is left to do:
- Create furniture/ decorative assets
- Complete monster model in blender, then create textures
- Add Menu
- Add Timer
- Add Health
- Add Functional enemy
- Add notes
- Add keypad door
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