Animate 4 + Design Research

Here are two posters that I made today using pre-made assets for a science exhibition from the past. I experimented with the spacing and positioning of the imagery. The original did not have the transparent clips in the background originally, they were my addition to the design. My rendition of this poster in many ways is much less ambitious than my peers, who were slanting text and making intricate patterns with multiple paperclips so in that regard this is quite a simplistic poster. I suppose it works for the context of the exhibition however as it is about 'the genius of everyday things' and I am simply presenting a lone paperclip in all its genius.

Today I also began to work on my interactive poster project. as of yet mine feels quite inadequate compared to previous years, perhaps bland as I tried to go for a simplistic style which just feels somewhat empty. I suppose once I add an animated background for all the pages it shall look more interesting but as of yet there is still much work to do. In all honesty Adobe animate is a little frustrating at times but I'm sure it's just the learning curve and the fact I was struggling for ideas.

Design Research
  • Weinschenk, S.M. (2020) 100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People, 2nd Edition. New Riders.
I decided to do some research on design to see if there were any ways of improving/ gaining inspiration for my project.

Of what I read in Susan Weinschenk's '100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People', I came to these conclusions:

  • Peripheral Vision is just as useful compared to central vision - so do not ignore in a piece of design, do not assume people will not be as focused on their peripheral and place distracting elements upon it, this may divert visual attention where you may not desire it. Also one should utilize the periphery fully as elements in it can draw the eye more than from the centre.

  • Use consistent patterns in all elements of your design as people naturally look for patterns in everything. It can allow for easier user navigation as they can predict where certain elements will be and make the whole experience flow better.

  • ''If one element is different to the rest, it shall always standout. If all elements are different, nothing stands out''

  • ''Less is more'' - Visual engagement should be attained quickly.

  • Design screens around standard reading patterns for the language that which it is created for, centralize functionality, e.g menus so the user does not need to keep moving around the page, ideally in the peripheral section, save key information for the center as that is where most users will look first. Also save the edges of a page for establishing the motif or theme.

  • Limit information or elements to fours to help the user better remember key information. This extends from paragraphs of text to even the amount of options in a menu. Be sure not to overwhelm, frustrate or confuse a user. Limit or break up options in a design to help the experience flow better.

Analyzing a poster:

Full metal jacket (1987) poster 15 x 23 inches print wall (38 x 58 cm ... (no date). Available at: (Accessed: March 1, 2023).

After reading through what makes good design, I can certainly say that the poster for Stanley Kubrick's 'Full Metal Jacket' passes the test.

  • 'Less is more' - the helmet stands out iconically so against the plain white background and is complimented by the bold black font that accompanies it.

  • Consistency - The poster uses the same font and short line length for the title and taglines.

  • 4(5-ish) elements - Tagline, Helmet, Directors name/ title, Billing block.

  • Limited information - the film does not give away much accept that it is a film about the Vietnam war with a seemingly anti-war sentiment.
All in all a very memorable poster that fits the convention of quality design.



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