Music Video

This is the music video that I produced over the holiday, initially I had trouble selecting a song that I wanted to use which was likely the most difficult part of the process. From a suggestion I chose "Surfin' Bird" by the Trashmen, which may have been a mistake somewhat on my part due to fast-paced nature of the song I wanted to do a lot of quick cuts, which meant of course, shooting and using a lot of footage. This was also hindered by the fact I wanted footage to be fast and chaotic to go along with the song itself. 

As I was editing the video from home, I also used DaVinci Resolve because I wanted to learn how to use it which was difficult in the beginning to use as I was used to Premiere Pro, that is why I think that the first half of the video is significantly of a lower editing quality and less ambitious as I was not as familiar with the tools of DaVinci, which is shown by the contrast to the second half. 




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