Portfolio site research

 ( https://nora-krug.com/)  accessed 11/29/22

Whose website is it and what sort of creative work is it presenting?
Nora Krug - featuring primarily 

How would you describe the overall aesthetic / mood / tone of the website?
Simplistic/ Bold/ quirky

What colour scheme does it have (how many repeated colours does it have and why might they have been chosen)? The two colours used outside of the featured images are White and Yellow

How would you describe the layout of the information presented?
Information is represented in columns generally consisting of videos, images and centre-aligned text, on her products she also has double-spread previews. it is neat and consistent across all pages and simple enough to read through

Who do you think the site is aimed at (who is the audience)? Is there an option for audience feedback?
The site is aimed at people who are: interested in her work, getting into contact with Krug and perhaps inviting her to an event as she lists her agents' contact details from around the world, finding out information (i.e from the about page or where her next event is)

Overall, what do you like about it or not like?
I appreciate the minimalism of the website and straightforwardness of the website in terms of utility, the designer of the website compensated for this by including a unique illustration or GIF on each page made by Krug such as the animation of a burning igloo for the loading screen, this gives a lot of character to usually mundane or visually uninteresting parts of a website again, like business contacts. Some parts of the website do seem a little outdated such as the interactive buttons for internet marketplaces to buy her products from. The buttons that are featured only on the homepage are the stock generic low quality buttons for these Ecommerce sites. They clash with the minimalistic aesthetic the site is going for with the utilization of curved edges and gradients. Some of featured videos such as the MSNBC and CNN book reviews are unprofessional, being uncropped screen recordings from the respective news websites rather than a ripped copy which would look more aesthetically pleasing/ professional.

 ( https://nora-krug.com/)  accessed 11/29/22


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