Tea - Post-Production


 After editing through 15 minutes of footage I had come to a 90 second sequence, which in all honesty is probably more bearable to watch considering the camera lingered in many shots after the action takes place.

The cupboard/ fridge takes which I thought were inventive at the time became the bane of my existence while editing into the 90 second timeframe as they consumed up to 10 seconds yet communicated very little more than any other shots leading me to cut corners such as with the teabag flick sequence, where I needed to cut multiple close-ups.

While my final cut was far from perfect, hampered by some shakier shots, especially the arial ones and a shot from within the fridge which lingered for far too long, I believe I had some success in visually communicating the narrative of 'the tea ritual'. Improving the piece shall begin with reshoots, such as with a significantly shorter 'Fridge sequence' and then perhaps the addition of a few shots which I had cut.

 You can watch the final piece here


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