Degree Project: Lighting Issues

So far my game has had two light rendering issues that I had wished to resolve: 1. The black texture for the bottomless pit the player falls down, if they fail, was casting shadows on the black void part, which deep black holes in the ground don't tend to do. I fixed this by changing the texture from a plain untextured black to slick metallic black using the unreal material editor. By doing this it made the material darker so you couldn't see shadows on its surface afterwards. 2. I also ran into an issue that I always do and have on every unreal project that I have ever done where if you stand too close to a wall or a bright object, the screen begins to dim elsewhere. I finally decided enough was enough and looked up how to switch off this dimming feature as many of my levels will contain large white surfaces which would cause the screen to dim with this default render setting. It turns out after approximately a minute of searching the forum that all I had to do was enter the ...