
Independent project #15 Mega-Blog + Bibliography Link

  Today is my Final Day before I wish to submit. Aside from building the game for Export and finishing the accompanying Game Design Document there were two changes I had to make before hand. Those involved adding an invisible wall on the purchasable barriers so the player cannot exploit them to get out of bounds and adding some code (As pictured above to the enemy with a True/ False statement as the Boolean being, is the enemy dead) which prevents the enemy from damaging the Player after dying which I could not figure out for myself at the very beginning when I first made the enemies. After that, I did some final touches to the escape levels such as when the Player meets the Gamemaster in the Endgame they lose all their ammo. I tried to asign the score to a word but quickly realised I couldn't as the score UI is bound to an Interger Value which can only ever be a number, also it was a very minor cosmetic change which wouldn't have amounted to much anyway. Oh well. I also rearra

Storytelling and Gaming Final Mega-Blog + Evaluation + Tutorial Bibliography

 As of writing this Blog my text-based choose your own adventure game 'Undead Dungeon' is completed and can be played here: Just be sure to download them first or they will not open in Google Drive. The HTML file is the Game. Double click it after downloading and you're all good. If you want to examine the Code, Download the .TWEE file and open it in in  by importing it in the Library. Firstly, below is the plan I used for each choice in the Game. Initially the story may seem fairly light on plot but I wanted to more so make a traditional text-based dungeon crawler experience more than anything which I think I succeeded, though admittedly a main character with a personality and a supporting cast would have been a more interesting read and would be my focus if I were to make another project on Twine.

Independent project #14

  Today I was polishing Geometry on the Levels moreso, so there was not any ways to cheat or cheese the game and play by its rules, aside from that I also added sounds for the weapons, levels as ambience, enemies etc. All of this can be found in the bibliography on the Design Document. Aside from that I am in the General polishing stage now and there is not much else work to do... comparitively speaking.

Independent project #13

  This is the updated version of the other escape level, aside from Geometry it has one object with any actor with any code running which is a more simplified version of the Level End Trigger in the the other "Hidden" Escape Level. This one, removes character inputs aside from moving the Camera and ends the level after a delay of 10 seconds, allowing the player to take in the view before fading to a fake level end sequence. it was quite difficult making the level look natural and flowingh and not completely fake mainly because this level is only there to really be looked at to represent a change in the character you play as, rejecting killing their kin and escaping the city. While i'm still not fully happy with how the landscape looks and do not think I ever will be, I do like the effect of the rollingness of the hills I made by duplicating the Landscape Plane and placing an even larger version behind it, with the Trees only there to add to the sense of scale with how far

Independent project #12

The barrier issue where they would not allow the player to purchase them, for reasons still not fully understood, was fixed today by separating the node in two and tying the interaction of actually purchasing the barrier to the ticks of the game, which for the purposes of this script is basically a check the game makes for each tick as a measurement of passing time like seconds on a clock. I also started working on a sequence involving the 'Gamemaster' Gibby who's meant to be like an Entity existing in the code type thing, which is the reason for the floating text which is a 3D object tied to a Triggerbox. This is the Node Graph for playing the Monologue in the Level as an object, it's tied mainly to a custom event but it also references the trigger every tick and has the trigger as a reference though I suppose it doesn't necessarily need to but that doesn't hurt it. This Node Graph is specifically for the player walking into a collision box which disables all m

Storytelling and Gaming 7

 Today I made the decision to streamline the game a little more so I will be able to finish it in time for submission. Originally there were 2 separate pathways which led off in completely different narrative directions. Route 1 was escaping the Crypt dungeons and then going through a morgue and a temple to escape to the surface. Route 2 was either finding a secret passage in the Player's cell or going through Torturer's room in the Dungeon to reach an atrium where the player would go through to the treasure vault/ crypt of a noble family. I joined these 2 routes so they both lead to the vault for the sake of streamlining the story and adding more content to each path however I think I'll have two paths split off again for the Final Boss encounters. The first will be the skeleton king at the crypt entrance staircase and the second will be a Lovecraftian Kraken who haunts the waterways.

Independent Project #11

  This is a an update from my city environment. the key to making it look alive and I guess realistic to a city was adding buildings far away and up close with the spaces you can't see to fill in the blanks. I also changed the key model to have orange glowing textures instead of blue because the locked door model has orange instead of blue as a complimentary colour. This is the indev of the 'escape' level where the player will leave the city through a hidden door. The player will through a tunnel and end in a field where the game will cut to black. This in the narrative of the game represents the player escaping the city and objectives, going against his programming at the cost of no points, which is meant to be an easter egg/ reward type thing for finding the hidden exit.  This is another secret ending level for the player where they escape through a locked door with 3 hidden keys. At the moment this level is supposed to represent that the game is all a construction and yo