
Degree Project: All Main Levels playable + Lava Level Test Footage

  This is a Bird's Eye-view of the complete third level, minus some small tweaks. The purple rings you can see are a branching path to the end of the level that deviates from the mian path. The whole idea of that section is the platforms being on a timer, which adds a different sense of jeopardy to the slower, more methodical main route to the top. I also made this Bridge model to add a little more visual flavour to the level. I then got the idea to use the bridge model for some of the disappearing platforms, which I think looks amazing. Too bad i came up with this idea so late in development. I really think it would've made previous levels much more interesting. Here is the Level exit to the Final Sequence of the Game. Here is some test footage of the the playable level in one run through. Some bits are still incomplete and need tweaking but it is fully playable beginning to end now.

Professional Practices: Embossed Text test + Updated Branding Templates

  Ever since I saw the engraved text effect on dean's Website I wanted to see if I could do it for myself, so I tried it out in photoshop using the Bevel and Emboss tool and here is what I got. pretty cool, right? Also here are some updated branding pack materials with the new logo. I'm not sure how but they still need some work I think.

Professional Practices - Logo Redesign + Squarespace

  This is my Squarespace site, which I finally bought the Subscription and Domain for today, being, solely because that's what the domain is on all my branding and is the name of my instagram. A majority of the text I want is in position now I just need to gather images and videos to use alongside them: A picture of myself maybe, a video of all of my works, maybe some screenshots and that should be enough. I also need to consider what I will add to my homepage too as it feels a little barren. You can also notice I changed my Logo again, for the final time hopefully, to this: The original SP games logo was too "Old Timer" and didn't really fit what I was doing so I updated it to something sleeker. It kind of feels like a 1970s Videotape company logo but it is by far the best I have done so far. Here is an older design:  This is the only previous iteration that I have left of this design because the otghers annoyed me so much I deleted them haha.

Professional Practices: CV, Cover Letter and Gratitude Letter

CV - Cover Letter - Gratitude Letter - These are my first drafts of my CV, Cover Lettter and Grattitude Letter. I tried to change them a little from thge template to where they suited Game Design more but for the most part they are the same despite different wording and obviously skillsets. I am a little annoyed that I couldn't find an appropriate place to put the fact that I could speak spaniosh on the Cover letter but it is alright as there is space for it on the CV. It just didn't fit in any particular section of the Cover Letter. As for any other comments, I think the education and qualification sections of the CV are a little redundant as what I studied could just be paired with the grad...

Professional Practices: Powerpoint Templates and Letterhead

Here are my WiP Powerpoint Templates that I worked on today, much of it is based on the RA presentation from last semester, just because I really liked the Bold White Arial on Cyan effect. I also made a few unique icons to accompany slides where I feel they were a little lacking.  Despite being very simple I somehow managed to nearly crash my PC 5 times while maing the Mobile Icon. This was because I made it 1080x1080 at 300ppi because I wasn't checking my document settings. Very Silly. I also made this A4 Letterhead which is similar to the invoice in many ways but obviously the table is removed and replaced with a body of text. It may need some tweaking but I like the general layout for now. That being said, I also haven't asked for any Feedback yet so who knows if I'm in f...

Degree Project: Animation Test and Level 3 Progress

Today I worked a little more on the Lava Level. I had enough of having everything rectangular so there are now Triangular Platforms where the player has to jump from corner to corner to succesfully clear them due to how tight the jumps are. As you can see I also made Hexagonal Platforms as separate actors within the editor for a little extra challlenge and flavour too. I also started adding Lava Falls throughout the level today and Jay showed me how to animate them with Level Sequence Actors. Below is a rough animation test for the Lava Fall in motion. From 10 Minutes work alone it already adds so much more life to the level. I'll definitely be doing more of them.  

Professional Practices: Logo Designs + Branding Toolkit

  Here is the latest iteration of my Logo, it is a quite simplistic joining of an 'S' and 'P' with a stroke around it in the Damion typeface. With the typography, I use Cyan and Blue paint daubs as a background to create this kind of zaney, off-beat, kind of unconventional effect. I like it more than my previous iterations and I want to stick with it but I still think it's early enough to where tweaking won't be a problem. Invoice Template Business Card Template This is the Background Paint Daub that I made in Photoshop. Next I will probably move on to the Letterhead and Powerpoint template uhhh hopefully.