Degree Project: All Main Levels playable + Lava Level Test Footage

This is a Bird's Eye-view of the complete third level, minus some small tweaks. The purple rings you can see are a branching path to the end of the level that deviates from the mian path. The whole idea of that section is the platforms being on a timer, which adds a different sense of jeopardy to the slower, more methodical main route to the top. I also made this Bridge model to add a little more visual flavour to the level. I then got the idea to use the bridge model for some of the disappearing platforms, which I think looks amazing. Too bad i came up with this idea so late in development. I really think it would've made previous levels much more interesting. Here is the Level exit to the Final Sequence of the Game. Here is some test footage of the the playable level in one run through. Some bits are still incomplete and need tweaking but it is fully playable beginning to end now.